About DHC Systems

Report Offerings

As opposed to the high-level, quick snapshot, view available from a Dashboard, the Report Offerings allow for deep-dive analysis and investigation.

Similar to the Dashboards, the Report Offerings come in different combinations, depending on the functionality. Some reports run on Microsoft’s Power BI while others use Bootstrap paired with JavaScript to do their magic.


Once you log into DHC Systems you will have access to a vast amount of reporting. Report offerings are delivered via Power BI, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. A Dashboard will provide a higher level of reporting with a broader scope and may have limited interaction. While individual report offerings will have more depth and more interaction …

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Dashboard – eQA

The electronic Quality Assurance (eQA) Dashboard, like MRC, also has some variations.

The one that you will come across most of the time based on Power BI, a premium Microsoft technology. The other Dashboards are based on bootstrap and JavaScript technologies.