Report Offerings

As opposed to the high-level, quick snapshot, view available from a Dashboard, the Report Offerings allow for deep-dive analysis and investigation.

Similar to the Dashboards, the Report Offerings come in different combinations, depending on the functionality. Some reports run on Microsoft’s Power BI while others use Bootstrap paired with JavaScript to do their magic.

Each brings its own set of features and functionality.

Report Offerings are made available based on the users level of permissions. Some examples are:


  • Hourly Scans for Today
  • Hourly Tasks, Sat and UnSat for Today
  • Fast Scans Today
  • Details for each Scan for Today and by Day
  • Daily Reports
  • Zone Reports
  • Area Reports
  • User Reports
  • Plus more…


  • Hourly QA’s for Today
  • Hourly Checks with Satisfaction Ratios
  • Fast QA’s Today
  • Details for each QA for Today and by Day
  • Daily Reports
  • Manager Reports
  • Employee Reports
  • Plus more…

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