The navigation bar will appear on the left side when on a PC or Mac, and on the right side when on a mobile device.
On mobile, you may see a hamburger menu to expand the navigation:
Depending on your role, you will see one, two, or three sections to the eQA navigation. Clicking the triangle will expand and collapse the navigation
When first loaded, the menu will be collapsed. Here we are looking at the eQA – Admin section
Clicking the triangle will expand the menu to reveal the sections available to you.
eQA – Admin has the following available:
- Dashboard – High-level view of activities and status of QA’s and Checks.
- Reporting – Detailed report offerings to deep dive on QA’s, Checks, and images.
- Employee List – Displays all the Employees, or QA’s, available in the system with some detail.
- Manager List – Displays a list of Managers available in the system.
- Standard Tasks List – Displays the list of all the Standard Titles with Standard Tasks that have been added to the system.
- Add Standard Tasks – Access the form to add a Standard Title with Standard Tasks assigned.
- Add 1 Employee – Access the form to add 1 new Employee, or QA, to the system.
- Bulk Add Employees – Add multiple Employees, or QA’s, into the system with a single upload.
- Export Employees – Open a page that displays the barcodes/QR codes assigned to each Employee to print, stick, and scan.
The second section is labeled “eQA – Director (M2)”.
Clicking the triangle will expand the menu to reveal additional sections.
eQA – Director (M2) has the following available:
- Dashboard – High-level view of activities and status of Scans and Tasks.
- Todays Report – Detailed report of the QA’s, Checks, and images for Today.
- Last 7 Days – Detailed report of the QA’s, Checks, and images for the last 7 days.
- UnSat 7 Days – Detailed report specific to the “UnSat” QA’s for the last 7 days.
- Fast QA’s 7 Days – Detailed report specific to the “Fast QA’s” that have occurred in the last 7 days.
- Manager Reports – Detailed report for the Managers that are in the Directors reporting structure, or organization.
- Employee Reports – Detailed report on the QA’s completed for Employees.
- Due Today – QA’s that have a due date of today.
- Due Tomorrow – QA’s that have a due date of tomorrow.
- Reporting – Click to expand a list of shortcuts to report on “Todays Report”, “Last 2 Days”, “Last 7 Days” and “Last 30 Days”.
- Past Due Reports – Click to expand a list of shortcuts to report on “Due Yesterday”, “Due 7+ Days”, “Due 14+ Days”, “Due 30+ Days”.
- Manage Scans – Click to expand a list of shortcuts to view, and take action from “Employee List”, “Manager List”, “Add 1 Employee”, “Bulk Add Employees”, and “Export Employees”
The final section is labeled “eQA – Manager (M1)”.
Clicking the triangle will expand the menu to reveal additional sections.
eQA – Manager (M1) has the following available:
- Dashboard – High-level view of activities and status of Scans and Tasks.
- Todays Report – Detailed report of the QA’s, Checks, and images for Today.
- Last 7 Days – Detailed report of the QA’s, Checks, and images for the last 7 days.
- UnSat 7 Days – Detailed report specific to the “UnSat” QA’s for the last 7 days.
- Fast QA’s 7 Days – Detailed report specific to the “Fast QA’s” that have occurred in the last 7 days.
- Employee Reports – Detailed report on the QA’s completed for Employees.
- Due Today – QA’s that have a due date of today.
- Due Tomorrow – QA’s that have a due date of tomorrow.
- Reporting – Click to expand a list of shortcuts to report on “Todays Report”, “Last 2 Days”, “Last 7 Days” and “Last 30 Days”.
- Past Due Reports – Click to expand a list of shortcuts to report on “Due Yesterday”, “Due 7+ Days”, “Due 14+ Days”, “Due 30+ Days”.
- Manage Scans – Click to expand a list of shortcuts to view, and take action from “Employee List”, “Manager List”, “Add 1 Employee”, “Bulk Add Employees”, and “Export Employees”