electronic Quality Assurance, known as eQA, is real-time monitoring and reporting to increase standardization and decrease subjectivity of Quality Assurance related to employee performance management.
eQA will increase visibility within the organization to the quality of work done by their employees.
eQA gives management the ability to log, track, monitor and report on their employees. Employee Quality Assurance checks are automatically logged within a simple User Interface, ensuring detailed reporting of performance and quality.
eQA Specific Terminology
- QA: A “QA” is the barcode, or qr code, scan activity. Most of the time, this is an Employee, but it could be a piece of equipment, or other object, system or process that needs Quality Assurance. This is generally located on the employees badge, or on a Performance Review (QA) document. A “QA” will almost always have more than one “Check” assigned to it and can have up to 25.
- Check: A “Check” is what should be checked for the employee. Once a “QA” scan occurs the list of “Check(s)” is presented to the manager for evaluation.
- Fast QA’s: When two, or more, different “QA”s are logged by the same individual within a very short period of time, they are flagged as a “Fast QA”.
- Standard Title: The Standard Title, such as Housekeeping, will be used to identify the role and tasks that are assigned with it. When adding a new employee, or editing an employee, this Standard Title will be available.
- Standard Tasks: The Standard Tasks will be assigned to the Standard Title entered above. Each employee assigned to the Standard Title will have the Standard Tasks, below, assigned to them automatically.
- Organization: Reports based on “Organization” are specific to the QA’s done for, or by, employees within the reporting structure of the user that is signed in. For example, a Manager reports on their organization, or a Director might report on the Managers in their organization.
- Facility: Reports based on “Facility” cover all QA’s, whether the QA is done for, or by, an employee within the organization, or reporting structure, of the user that is signed in. For example, the facility would be everyone working within multiple organizations.