MRC – Reporting – Zone Report

The most common way to get to the “MRC Zone Reporting” is to click on the “Zone” value within another report. Including the “Scan List” page.

Even if the Zone is showing as “unclassified” (the default if no Zone is provided), clicking it will get you into the report and you can change the Zone, outlined below.

MRC Zone Reporting

Here you will see the reporting for a particular Zone for the period of the report.

Within the "MRC Zone Reporting" you will have the option to report by day for each Zone.

This combines the usual Date Range selection with a Zone selection dropdown.

You can change dates by clicking in the field next to the date you want to change, then selecting a new date from the calendar, or typing the new date in manually.

After updating the dates, and selecting the Zone, click "Update Report".

Notice, too, that when hovering your mouse, or clicking the field brings up a tooltip to help explain the purpose of the field. This is present in most locations around the system and products.


Various reports will include a daily view within MRC. Below are a couple of the charts that you will come across when looking at reports that include the daily, aggregated, view.


The first chart is the "Daily Scans".

This is the number scans done by day for the period of the report.

Hovering over a datapoint will bring up the quantity of "Scans" for that date.


The next chart we will explore is the "Daily Tasks: Sat vs UnSat".

This chart shows the daily Tasks that were completed for "Sat", or Satisfactory, shown in Green, and "UnSat", or Unsatisfactory, shown in Red.

Again, hovering over the datapoint will display the details of the information represented.


Also, represented in the chart is the Legend showing what each color represents. Try clicking "Sat" or "UnSat" to see the chart filtered.

Note that this is a feature across any report that includes a Legend. nonpbi-sat-unsat-filtered



Top 10 is a pretty common part of reporting to help surface information of interest.

Here we are looking at the "Top 10 Users" bar chart.

This represents the Users who have completed the most Scans for the period of the report.

Hovering over the bar chart will display the User and the exact number of Scans they completed.


The area labeled "MRC Records for..." followed by a single date, or a date range, displays the aggregate information for each Scan completed for the period of the report.

Here is a definition of each of the fields, or columns, that appear in this table of information:

  • Scan ID - When an item is created within the system it is given a unique number. That is what the scan id is.
  • Zone - Multiple areas, or Architectural Numbers, can be assigned to a Zone. Click the Zone to see a report showing the Architectural Numbers and Areas within that Zone and performance over a period of time.
  • Architectural # - Click the Architectural Number to see a report for that area.
  • Sat - The number of Tasks or Checks for an area that were marked 'Sat'
  • UnSat - The number of Tasks or Checks for an area that were marked 'UnSat'
  • Image - Was an image attached by the user? If so, the kind of image will be displayed.
  • Check By - This is who did the check. Click the value to see a report for that user.
  • Timestamp - This is the last time this item was checked. Click the date to see the activity on that day.
  • Action - Click 'View' to see the entries for the scan, including the image, if attached.

Here is a tip for using this table, and numerous other tables, within the system.

Try hovering your mouse over the question mark icon, bootstrap-information-help. A tooltip will appear to help let you know what else you can do from there.


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