Press Releases

Report Offerings

As opposed to the high-level, quick snapshot, view available from a Dashboard, the Report Offerings allow for deep-dive analysis and investigation.

Similar to the Dashboards, the Report Offerings come in different combinations, depending on the functionality. Some reports run on Microsoft’s Power BI while others use Bootstrap paired with JavaScript to do their magic.


Once you log into DHC Systems you will have access to a vast amount of reporting. Report offerings are delivered via Power BI, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. A Dashboard will provide a higher level of reporting with a broader scope and may have limited interaction. While individual report offerings will have more depth and more interaction …

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Dashboard – eQA

The electronic Quality Assurance (eQA) Dashboard, like MRC, also has some variations.

The one that you will come across most of the time based on Power BI, a premium Microsoft technology. The other Dashboards are based on bootstrap and JavaScript technologies.

Dashboards – MRC

The Management Rounds Check (MRC) Dashboard comes in a few different flavors.

The one that you will come across most frequently is powered by Power BI, a premium Microsoft technology. The other Dashboard you will come across is based on bootstrap and JavaScript technologies.

Terminology of MRC

Management Rounds Check, known as MRC, is real-time monitoring and reporting of staff activities around the facility.

Check the status of a room, or location, in the facility to see when it was last cleaned. See an image of the last time it was checked. Monitor for “UnSat” checks to spot areas that need attention.

MRC is a great way to manage the facility and audit rooms when issues arise. With images and timestamps, it offers a great paper trail.


DHC Systems has some specific terminology when it comes to the software offerings.

Within this article we will walk you through the terms, verbiage, and nomenclature that you will come across while navigating, using, and taking action within the system.

Help and Support

We try to make finding help and support within DHC Systems simple, straightforward, and accessible.

Within the system, keep an eye out for the following icons, buttons, and calls-to-action:

We are also always monitoring email at for high priority issues, escalations, or general questions.

Sign Up, Sign In, and Reset Password

First of all, thank you for your interest in Digital Healthcare and Compliance (DHC) Systems. Here we will walk you through getting signed up, then signing in, and finally resetting your password. Sign Up Before you can access any part of DHC Systems, including the products, you will need an account. You can get an …

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